Free Photos

TTP, the headline partner of the Cambridge Half Marathon, are pleased to provide you with free photos of your special race day.

Your personal gallery is created using Pic2go technology and the link is shared directly to you on your Facebook timeline. You can then share it (with friends, everyone or just privately), and photos will be posted to your personal pic2go gallery as fast as possible during the event.

Sign-up is quick and simple, just follow the instructions below:

Enter your race number into the box below, agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and click ‘continue’
Follow the instructions – giving permissions as requested so that Pic2Go can post the link to your gallery – and set the share to friends, public or private.

If you are registering before the race – the system will register you and then tell you that there are no images available at the moment – but as soon as they are you will receive a notification email.

Make sure your race number is clearly visible on your front during the race – nice and flat and make sure we can see the pic2go barcodes ! (and please don’t put pins through them either!)

If you do not have a Facebook account or your number was not visible on the day please click here to search the images.