Richard Waller

“Around 22 years ago, my family lost my brother Charlie after he died by suicide at the age of just 28. Charlie had a larger than life personality and everyone he met fell in love with him; we were devastated by the loss and feel passionately that more work needs to be done to recognise, understand and offer young people support with their mental wellbeing. Shortly after Charlie’s death, my family and I founded the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust to increase awareness of the signs and the dangers of depression amongst young people, to encourage those who may be depressed to seek help, and to ensure expert help is available when needed.

I’m delighted that the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust is one of the Cambridge Half Marathon partners this year. I studied at the University of Cambridge and a few of my old friends are joining me to run the half as this cause means a lot to all of us. We’re planning on all running together and hopefully can raise some valuable funds so the Trust can continue its vital work with young people!”